Форум HeroesWorld-а - Показать сообщение отдельно - MMH5.5 - Герои Меча и Магии 5.5
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Старый 11.02.2016, 22:15
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Регистрация: 24.10.2015
Сообщения: 708
Re: [МОДИФИКАЦИЯ] Герои Меча и Магии 5.5

Hello Everyone !!! Sorry for the late response I will try to answer as precise as I can due to language.

ShadowclawВопрос к мододелам: как можно вернуть моду стандартную прокачку героев в моде? Очень гемморно? Хочу изменения самих перков оставить, но пути прокачки - колесо умений сделать как в оригинале.
P.S. Мод на ура совмещается с NCF с помощью патчера чтобы там автор мода о несовместимости не говорил. Теперь бы вернуть стандартную прокачку героев и впереть туда NHF

It is possible to return to original classes but it is too much work to do to make it fit the mod again.
You can find all mod scripts by extracting MMH55-Index.pak. All scripts are found in "scripts" directory. Feel free to edit them as you wish! Our developer has learned much from other people mods so this is a community work !

NCF is currently not compatiable with the Quantomas AI exe (31j). We are waiting for new release from him but the time frame is unknown and there is no guarantee that NCF will be supported.

DyrmanЛибо вернуть стандартные классы вместе с колесом прокачки, либо дать всем классам стандартные колёса прокачки, но там вроде не всем варварам удастся.

I did not understand your first question.
Barbarians are like this due to hardcoded issues. Luckily it fits thematically so it is ok.

ShadowclawА вот прокачка не нравится - практически у всех фракций считай одинаковое колесо. Старые колёса были уникальнее что-ли. Если подскажите, как вернуть стандартные - буду признателен.
По поводу перевода - где переводить? pak файл с текстами? Если будет время - займусь.

In Heroes V ToTe you could play just one type of hero per faction so a lot of strategy was missed and a lot of creatures and their abilities were not usable.

For example - Titan is tough but he is the easiest tier 7 kill in PvP because Academy heroes do not get Attack and Defense on level up.

Now you have 3 classes per faction -
- Might - gets 75% of level ups attack and defense
- Balanced gets 50%/50% of level ups attack+defense or spellpower + knowledge
- Magic - gets 75% of level ups Spell Power and Knowledge

Lore wise some faction classes are little bit pushed to one end, for example
Haven Might gets 80% Attack and Defense
Haven Balanced gets 50% A & D
Haven Magic gets only 55% S & K

Academy are more magic oriented so:
Academy Might gets - 50% A & D (they compensate from Artificer)
Academy Balanced gets 25% A & D vs 75% S & K
Academy Magic gets 80% S & K

...and so on, every faction class has its unique primary skills and secondary skills distribution.
It is true that the difference between classes is tinier than before but this due to the fact they are much more than before.

Tote classes = 8
HoMM5.5 classes = 24

If you want to help with translation here it is how it works.

If you already have Russian version of the game that will work. You need to change only the HoMM55 files.

All mod files are found in /data/MMH55-Texts-EN.pak

Unzip it, translate it and zip it again. Remember to keep the folder level structure otherwise the game would not read the files.

rokerfa мод не плох, но на любителя, ведь каждый подстраивает игру под себя и было бы намного удачнее

You are correct. Everyone want the game to be as he likes.
What we do is not making the game as we want but make it balanced and lore valid (at least as close as possible). We do a lot of QA testing until we are ready to change a creature stats and abilities.

All additional functionality like Governors, Town portal, creature growth, AI difficulty are optional.

You can turn them off by editing \data\MMH55-Settings.pak

Unzip -> edit -> zip.

The file is self explanatory.
8 skills option can be turned on/off from the game itself.
I would say things are pretty modular and the dev try to keep it that way.

Classes cannot be changed because they are the foundation of the balance. Without them any other changes would not make sense.

NikitaMВо-вторых зачем герою академии (элементалисту) суют при повышении уровня некромантию?
П.С. Прошу простить меня за нытьё по поводу русификации данного мода, просто сам я знаю английский оооочень плохо.
И кст в комплект к данному моду входит мод на все компании на английском который можно легко удалить.

No problem. I try to write as neatly in English as possible so "Google Translate" is good for you just as it is good for me!

Basically all heavy Magic heroes has chance to get Necromancy. But the chance is nearly 4%. It is good for secondary heroes. Lore wise necromancy is not just for necromancers but for everyone that practice dark arts .

NargottНекромантия элементалисту - похоже, что сюда вшит мод RPE, отличительными чертами которого является активное распределение расовых и варварских перков между разными классами и расами (контрудар, неодолимая = оккультизм, иногда некромантия, приглушения).
The mod is from the same developer. He decided to enrich his work.
NargottЯ в курсе, в своё время заимствовал идею 24 классов из RPE + экзешник 5.5 оттуда. Рассматривал даже вариант полностью заимствовать классы из RPE, но это мне не понравилось по ряду причин:
1) местами слабо сбалансированное колесо (на мой взгляд)
2) массовое распространение приглушений, как самых тупых и узкоспециализированных навыков
3) массовое распространие самых слабых расовых - контрудар и оккультизм (неодолимая), причём для других классов без козырей вроде переподготовки и чувства стихий; контрудар на +10%, ну кому это всерьёз надо?
4) процентили распределения навыков также не понравились, слишком выровнены классы: например, рыцарь и паладин похожи друг на друга, как 2 капли воды (перестановки местами 12% и 10% навыков никакой роли не играют)
5) общая ориентация профилей в духе маг = пара школ + чародейство + образование; воин = светотьма + воинские перки и т.д. При подобном подходе, имело ли смысл увеличивать число классов с 8 до 24, если можно прибегнуть к услугам аналогичных героев того же самого профиля из чужих рас?

В общем и целом, идея хорошая, но реализация имхо страдает (баланс).
You got an eye of a visionary. Basically all you say here is correct.
The HoMM5.5 aim is to fix the balance.
Just wait to see the new version changes

Also remember that 8 skills option is not mandatory. It is selectable so you can either use it or not.

Добавлено через 2 минуты


New 'Tactical' Spell Casting and balanced mass spells.
Mass Spells will now reset ATB to 0.1, while sorcery will give a 12% ATB boost per mastery level. Spell costs are adjusted to reflect true effectiveness of the spell, mass spells are more expensive.
Magic heroes will now recharge much quicker if they cast a single spell instead of a Mass Spell. For example haste on single creature resets ATB to 0.36, while mass haste resets to 0.10.
Balanced War Machines
-First Aid tent healing power is always based on hero level and now has 3 shots.
None: 10 + 5 per level
Basic: 10 + 6 per level
Advanced: 10 + 8 per level
Expert: 10 + 10 per level
-Ballista damage scaling is improved and advanced info is provided in-game.
-Brimstone Rain gives ammo cart attack bonus also to hero.
Balanced Starting Bonuses!
Resources: 5-8
Balanced Elementals
-All 4 elementals are now equal in strength, earth elemental initiative is now 9 and HP=50, fire elementals were overpowered and have their damage reduced.
-Balanced elemental summoning, amount is now multiplied by (hero level/25), only main heroes and governors can get serious production.
slave market selling price = 45% + 5% per marketplace.
Town Buildings give some more bonuses to classes that were lacking them.
-Infernal Loom gives extra cerberi to heroes without gating.
-Overlords get Defense instead of Knowledge from Hall of Intrigue.
-Assassins and Overlords gain +1 Attack for every altar of primal order.
-Druids receive +1 spell power for every sparkling fountain.
-Wardens receive +1 defense for every avenger brotherhood.

Change Neutral Stacks to ANY SIZE!
The size of neutral stacks standing on the adventure map can now also be modified by any % in the H55-Settings file, be warned however
that the game will lag for a period somewhere between 10 seconds or several minutes at the start of a new map during the stack modification process.
The actual time depends on the performance of your PC and the size of the map. During the process you cannot open your town screen so you know when it
is done when you can open it. The game will not lag if you keep the default setting.
This feature will offer all kinds of new opportunities, because the ARMG places lower level monsters on medium and higher level on impossible
you can for example choose to play a map with many huge stacks of low level creatures or many small stacks of high level creatures.
For a good balance it is probably recommendable to use very strong and then adjust the size to your playing strength.
Some tips:
Strong creatures x1.58 = Halfway between Strong & very Strong
Very Strong creatures x0.75 = Halfway between Strong & very Strong
Very Strong x1.55 = Halfway between Very Strong and Impossible
Impossible x 0.5 = Halfway between Very Strong and Impossible
Bug fixes
-Fixed Champion Charge ability, 2 tile requirement however is broken therefore to keep things balanced max dmg is reduced by 3.
-Witch Huts know 3 more skill charts, bad guy might heroes will not get offered light magic and vice versa.
-Fixed Artifacts and estates skill not paying out if many of them are equipped simultaneously.
-Fixed more instances of artifacts not working in some campaign missions.
-Fixed bugs in AI player detection scripts for player 7 & 8.
-Fixed Whip Strike on Shadow matriarchs.
-Fixed aura of bravery and wyvern tamer descriptions.
-Fixed imp,demon and gargoyle spec descriptions.
-Fixed storm of arrows combat log info.
Enhanced chance based abilities
All creature abilities that have probabilities have now extended descriptions that give some useful examples for evaluating the actual strength of the ability. Trigger chances are readjusted for the larger neutral resistance from H5.5
IMPORTANT: Quite some creatures were slightly adjusted to balance both upgrades (or just too overpowered). The following creatures were edited: Foul Wyverns, Sky daughters, Conscript, Marksman, Crossbowman, Champion, Inquisitor, Seraph, Savage Treants, Crystal dragon, Titans and Storm callers, Imps, Stalkers, Blood furies, Minotaur Guards, Chaos hydras, Matriarchs (all 3 versions), Mountain guards, Skirmishers, Bear rider upgrades, Skeletons.

You can find out more on the official thread page -> http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=41303

You can follow the progress, check guides or just ask questions on our official Facebook page -> https://www.facebook.com/mightandmagicheroes5.5

We are live on MODDB as well! -> http://www.moddb.com/mods/might-magic-heroes-55

How to install the mod? check this guide -> https://www.facebook.com/notes/might...60314834079382
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