Форум HeroesWorld-а - Показать сообщение отдельно - [ТУРНИР] "Новичок - 2015. Лето"
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Старый 26.08.2015, 19:00
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Регистрация: 06.02.2015
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Re: [ТУРНИР] "Новичок - 2015. Лето"

Jelen117We tried 1 day to play 2sm4d but after many problems with connection when we were without restarts and after many tech restarts we decided to try 8mm6a next day.
111 - I see cavs dwell, some crypts guarded by archers, Gurni and stables. We both took 112 so I won't take restart here, that is clear.
Next week I almost only stayed in my zone, 114 I had 14k gold, I think I could have built angels w1 with no problems but decided to go for cavs. 121 bought everything, took a hive and went for green flux. 125 took throng con (3) but I would have done 4. Champs dealt 730 damage for a hit. Next days went into treasure with Gurni, army was splitted. Marksmen, swords and an angel for Nimbus staying in green zone to farm skeletons (had 150 131). 2 angels, champs, wyvs and remaining pikes on Gurni. Accidentally 127 went into zone 21 (between orange and light blue). Plan was to take light blue town under such circumstances but opp apeared and I caught him 131. He had very bad starting area, little army, I killed him easily.
Gurni was perfect, stats 16/7 125, expert earth, expert logistics, tactics, air (bought in green flux), armorer.
My main problem all game was too few cons, hives and no topes but luckily it wasn't needed this time. Also I had problems with tempo, I was pretty slow but was very cautious not to have an unplanned meeting with opp.
Thanks for playing.
Some screens:
Gurni - http://puu.sh/jPaoO/8fd502297e.jpg
throng con - http://puu.sh/jPbq3/788407e425.jpg
Расклад был ужасным. Денег совсем мало, много блоков, на которые приходилось тратить армиюи и длинные петляющие дороги. В итоге на начало второй недели начал чуть-чуть раскручиваться, но как оказалось особо негде. Не было ни ульев, ни конс ни артефактов. В итоге на 126 заметил героя оппонента, на 131 пробил охрану к нему, он в итоге пришел и убил меня. Надеялся нанекрить на галтране, но на стрелковых блоках и быстрых блоках приходилось пускать скелетов в расход.
Спасибо за игру!
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