Ìîäèôèêàöèè ê èãðå - Ôîðóì HeroesWorld-à

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Ìå÷ è Ìàãèÿ Ãåðîè 7 - Might & Magic Heroes VII Íîâîñòè, îáñóæäåíèå, àíàëèòè÷åñêàÿ è ñòàòè÷åñêàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ ïî Ìå÷ è Ìàãèÿ: Ãåðîè VII - Might & Magic Heroes VII

Îïöèè òåìû
Ñòàðûé 14.10.2016, 16:42
Àâàòàð äëÿ Ment
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 30.10.2009
Àäðåñ: Íàöèîíàëüíûé çàïîâåäíèê
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 30883
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 30.10.2009
Àäðåñ: Íàöèîíàëüíûé çàïîâåäíèê
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 30883
Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ
Ìîäèôèêàöèè ê èãðå

Тема для ссылок на модификации со сторонних сайтов.

Heroes VII 7.5 Mod (ссылка на скачивание)

Разумеется, это называется "Герои 7,5". Кто бы сомневался? Что ж, как бы то ни было, это баланс-мод и выглядит он вроде бы неплохо. Балансирует в основном навыки и классы, в общем-то делает то, о чём я и сам мечтал: навыки-аутсайдеры становятся намного "вкуснее".
Bug fix

[Ancient Treant]
Proximity attack 2 times 1 time only to attack to attack.
This should not be a surprise to the melee fixed
Melee when they receive, make sure to retaliation

[Dark Nova]
Only 1 time damage done

2turn unless the damage generated shroud

NoRetaliation has MinotaurGuard attack 2 times

Change Game

Ban school: firemagic

Ban school: primemagic

Deals (Hero's levelб┐10) Earth damage to enemy creatures at the start of their turn for 3 turns in all combats of your heroes in this town's area of control.

Magic Skill
Department of public
Novice-Arcane knowledge+1
Expert-magic knowledge+4
Master-magical knowledge+7

Department of scholars
Reduces mana cost of Department spells by 30%

Gathering Storm
+100% Magic for the first Air spell cast in combat.

Air Knowledge I
Storm Arrows is now cast on creatures in target 5x5 area

Air Knowledge II
Gust of Wind additionally deals (Magic x 20 + 25 ~ 200) to Y Air damage to the target creature.

Lightning Bolt additionally sets the target creature's Initiative to 1 for 1 turns and deals (Magic x 13 + 25 ~ 125) Air damage to adjacent enemy units.

Storm Lord
Whenever an enemy unit is damaged by an attack, target enemy and all enemy units around it get (Magic x 5) Air damage.

Rock Solid
+2 Defence for every Earth spell cast. Lasts until end of combat.

Earth Knowledge I
Stone Skin is now cast on creatures in target 5x5 area and Regeneration is now cast on creatures in target 4x4 area.

Earth Knowledge II
Entangle additionally deals (Magic x 15 + 75) Earth damage if the creature moves.
Poison Spray is now cast on creatures in target 3x3 area.

Nature's Vitality
Heals by (Magic x 10) Every friendly creature at the start of lasts until end of combat.

Ardent Caster
+2 Might for every Fire spell cast. Lasts until the end of combat.

Fire Knowledge I
Burning Determination is now cast on creatures in target 5x5 area.

Fire Knowledge I, II, III
Deals (Magic x 5) Fire damage to the creature at the start of its turn. Lasts for 3 turn. and Buff is possible to nest.

Fire Mantle
Friendly creatures deal additional (Magic x 10) Fire damage when attacking in melee and they deal (Magic x 5) Fire damage when being attacked in melee.

Water knowledge II, III
Creatures damaged by Frost Bolt or Ice Strike or Circle of Winter additionally get -2 Movement and -5 Initiative for 2 turns.

At the start of an enemy creature's turn it (Magic x 15) Water damage for each negative water effect on it.

Uplifting Light
+1 Might and +1 Defence for every Earth spell cast. Lasts until end of combat.

Light knowledge II
Celestial Armor is now cast on creatures in target 4x4 area. Cleansing Light is now cast on creatures in target 5x5 area.

Light knowledge III
Retribution is now cast on creatures in target 5x5 area.

The hero gains according to PrimeMagic rating 20/35/50 Mana after a combat.

Prime Knowledge I
Fortune and Time Control are now cast on creatures in target 5x5 area.

Arcane Exaltation
The hero gains according to PrimeMagic rating +2 Magic, +2 Spirit/+3 Magic, +3Spirit/+4 Magic, +4 Spirit

Prime Knowledge II
Dispel Magic is now cast on creatures in target 4x4 area.

Prime Knowledge III
The number of elementals summoned with Summon Elemental increases at start of the next combat round by 50%.

The hero gains according to Paragon rating +2 Magic, +2 Spirit/+3 Magic, +3Spirit/+4 Magic, +4 Spirit

The hero gains according to Paragon rating +2 Might, +2 Defence/+3 Might, +3 Defence/+4 Might, +4 Defence

Arcane Intuition
+8 Arcane Knowledge.
The hero has a 100% chance to learn spells cast by enemy heroes during combat. The Arcane Knowledge requirement of the spells must still be fulfilled.

Magic Affinity
+50% maximum Mana

Raises the experience points of other friendly heroes to 25% of the hero's experience points and teaches them all spells the hero knows, if they have the required skills when they meet.

Might Skill
Novice Abilitie: GiantSlayer, MasterFlanker, Bash
Expert Abilitie: BattleFrenzy, Accuracy
Master Abilitie: Archery
Ultimate Abilitie: LeadingByExample

The hero attack deals additional 4 damage per hero level.
The hero attack do enemy -5 Initiative for 1 turns.

+1 to the base Minimun Damage of friendly ranged creatures.
Unit level гл1гпгл1гпгл2гпгл3гпгл6 to the base Maximum Damage of friendly ranged creatures.

Battle frenzy
+1 to the base Minimun Damage of friendly melee creatures.
Unit level гл1/+ 2/+ 3/+ 5/+ 10 to the base Maximum Damage of friendly melee creatures.

All friendly ranged creatures shoot with full range.
Unit level гл1гпгл1гпгл2гпгл3гпгл6 to the base Maximum Damage of the original full range friendly creatures.

The hero attack deals additional 6 damage per hero level.
After the hero attacks an enemy creature, all friendly creatures get +10 Attack while attacking the same creature during this combat round.

Novice Abilitie: DefensiveStance, Alertness, CounterAttack
Expert Abilitie: Evasion, MagicDefense
Master Abilitie: PreemptiveStrike
Ultimate Abilitie: Vitality

Every turn of the all friendly creature before the start of each turn Defenseгл5.

All friendly creature that used the defend get Attackгл5 the start of its next turn.

All Friendly creatures get +10 Defence against ranged attacks.

All Friendly creatures magic damage reduced by 30%.

If a friendly creature did not attack or use an active ability during its normal turn or Morale turn action will retaliate preemptively the start of its next turn.

Unit level гл3гпгл6гпгл10гпгл30гпгл100 Health for friendly creatures during combat.

Novice-increases the hero's leadership, the military, the neutral hero 5 suggest the odds are joined by 10%.
Increases hero's leadership-a specialist 10, neutral forces joined to propose a 20% probability of a hero.
Mastery-increases, neutral military hero of the hero's leadership joined to a 15 to 30 percent more likely to offer.
Step 1: a necessary ally, determination, tactics
Step 2: Golden tongue, the predominant number
Step 3: buy a cheer
The ultimate machine: augmentation of military

The battle at the start of the bag can be placed in two lines, three lines into place. In addition, you can freely surrender during the battle.

Golden tongue
Jinny Kern flux and the magic animal related to the employment, the amount of gold you need neutral forces reduced by half. Also, when you offer a neutral military hero, the amount of gold that require joining a 35% reduction.

Cheer private
Led force of troops and armor and 5 friendlies.

[Good luck]
Step 1: soldiers of fortune, traveler's, treasure seekers
Step 2: chaos magic, the perfect attack
Step 3: fatal blow
The ultimate machine: change magic

Soldiers of Fortune
Fires when the fly is detrimental for the special ability to crit, you don't have a chance to trigger.

Fatal blow
Friendly units when attacking with magic to cause costly and detrimental to not trigger twice as much damage to the ship when the coat is 1.5.

Change magic
Never ever write orders and a hero unit to write magical effect a 25% chance to fail.

[War cry]
Location shooter! Moving the affected troops unrolled a war shout.

Following the war the hero shout turns all friendly forces until fate 5 increases.

The overwhelming
Go ahead! War led the forces of troops affected shout spiked 5.

The allies invasion
Battle commences! The war spiked troops affected by the blitz and shout perfect blitz when it is added to the damage by 25%.

The first blow
Attack launched! Friendly forces are affected by a war shout crossroad is at maximum.

Bombardment support
In the spotlight! Friendly units that are affected by a war shout back the attack of an enemy if you've spiked to automatically fire the war units.

The duration of the castle is a three-turn battleship.

[Of war]
Village defense
This technique is mastered when appointed Governor General village village hero local National Guard troops base limits of troops 60, elite forces will increase to 20. In addition, strike the enemy like this always towards the turret on display three times.

Beginner-hero this power 2.
This power of the hero-a specialist 4.
Mastery-the hero's this power 6.
Step 1: pioneers, direction, he grabbed the machine
Step 2: Scout, Rover
Step 3: the familiar terrain
The ultimate machine: fast

Reconnaissance of
Heroes 4 heroes of sight, sight in strengthening the status of heroes and the enemy troops will be able to know the exact configuration of the.

1, this power-driven power of the troops spiked 5.


1 out of every timber and ore.

Town planners
With this technology you can appoint the Governor-General a hero town twice a day will be able to build the building. In addition to the town of viceroy of the hero, it also supports other technical effect is friendly. However, only one other villages the Governor General Award.

Drafted Hall
With this technology you can appoint the Governor-General in a village a village hero Corps when hiring a 15-percent decline in gold consumption. In addition, 50% of the basic unit of the town residence of the production increases.

War machine
Recovery is possible on the resurrection

Haven Balistar
Initiative 20
Damage 10-20/20-30/30-40/40 ~ 50/60-70
Attack 5/10/15/20/30
Defense 5/10/20/30/50
Health 300/400/550/750/1000

Haven of healing sisters
Initiative 15
Recovery 10/25/50/75/150
Defense 5/10/20/30/50
Health 300/400/550/750/1000

Sylvan Balistar
Initiative 20
Damage 10-20/20-30/30-40/40 ~ 50/60-70
Attack 5/10/15/20/30
Defense 5/10/20/30/50
Health 300/400/550/750/1000

Mother Trent
Initiative 15
Recovery 10/25/50/75/150
Defense 5/10/20/30/50
Health 300/400/550/750/1000

A small pyramid
Initiative 20
Damage 10-20/20-30/30-40/40 ~ 50/60-70
Attack 5/10/15/20/30
Defense 5/10/20/30/50
Health 300/400/550/750/1000

Healing tent
Initiative 15
Recovery 10/25/50/75/150
Defense 5/10/20/30/50
Health 300/400/550/750/1000

Nam Ta Lu
Initiative 20
Damage 10-20/20-30/30-40/40 ~ 50/60-70
Recovery 10/25/50/75/150
Attack 5/10/15/20/30
Defense 5/10/20/30/50
Health 600/750/950/1200/1500

Uncovering a shadow now
Initiative 20
Damage 10-20/20-30/30-40/40 ~ 50/60-70
Attack 5/10/15/20/30
Defense 5/10/20/30/50
Health 300/400/550/750/1000

Without a face now
Initiative 15
Recovery 10/25/50/75/150
Health 300/400/550/750/1000

Initiative 20
Damage 10-20/20-30/30-40/40 ~ 50/60-70
Recovery 10/25/50/75/150
Health 600/750/950/1200/1500

In addition, the more things change.
Next time I will translate to.
Только мод не переведён, да )))
Прикладываю к сообщению мод без изменений описаний в игре. То есть я вырезал описания, т.к. в корейских описаниях нет смысла.

P. S. Сам я мод не проверял, прошу извинить. В теме на hc вообще был замечен по крайней мере один баг (хотя, учитывая баги оригинальной семёрки, этот бажок небось затеряется среди своих собратьев).
Òèï ôàéëà: zip balance.zip (937.9 Êáàéò, 342 ïðîñìîòðîâ)
Ment ñåé÷àñ íà ôîðóìå
Îòâåòèòü ñ öèòèðîâàíèåì
Ñòàðûé 14.10.2016, 16:53
Àâàòàð äëÿ Ment
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 30.10.2009
Àäðåñ: Íàöèîíàëüíûé çàïîâåäíèê
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 30883
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 30.10.2009
Àäðåñ: Íàöèîíàëüíûé çàïîâåäíèê
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 30883
Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ
Íîâûå àëüòåðàíòèâíûå ñóùåñòâà â ãîðîäàõ

Новые альтерантивные существа в городах

https://translate.google.ru/translate?hl=ru&sl=auto&tl=ru&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.heroes7.acidcave.net%2Fac_mod.h tml

Мод польский, но страница обещает английский перевод тоже. Ссылка на скачивание: http://www.vault.acidcave.net/download.php?id=524

Существа там либо бывшие нейтралы, либо из шестой части героев в основном.

Íàæìèòå íà èçîáðàæåíèå äëÿ óâåëè÷åíèÿ
Íàçâàíèå:  kappa1.jpg
Ïðîñìîòðîâ: 4758
Ðàçìåð:	86.9 Êáàéò
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Íàçâàíèå:  mermaid.jpg
Ïðîñìîòðîâ: 4741
Ðàçìåð:	312.6 Êáàéò
ID:	46688  Íàæìèòå íà èçîáðàæåíèå äëÿ óâåëè÷åíèÿ
Íàçâàíèå:  whitetiger.jpg
Ïðîñìîòðîâ: 4742
Ðàçìåð:	197.4 Êáàéò
ID:	46689  
Ment ñåé÷àñ íà ôîðóìå
Îòâåòèòü ñ öèòèðîâàíèåì
Ñòàðûé 05.10.2017, 06:15
Àâàòàð äëÿ Esto100nec1
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 14.01.2014
Àäðåñ: Óêðàèíà
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 81
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 14.01.2014
Àäðåñ: Óêðàèíà
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 81
Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ
Re: Ìîäèôèêàöèè ê èãðå

Руководство по редактору Heroes VII

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