garpun44dredknight,I understand you.Could you fulfil my two little requests: The first - can return the old models to the ents
I dont know how to do it but this question was asked before and Magnomagus said that it is very hard thing to do. So no it is not possible.
garpun44The second - can you return shooting without penalty to the Arrows?
Not sure what you mean exactly. The only thing I can refer to is Haven Crossbowman "No range penalty" that was removed? Is it this one?
We did a damage comparison and I also did a lot of QA testing against other factions. It was way too strong for tier 2 units. They wiped out everything.
Another thing that made them very strong was the squire (tier 3) 50% defence from ranged units skill. Combine this with light magic and paladin class (Defensive) and you got unpenetrable fortress. Combine this with Heretic class (dark magic - berserk + puppet) and you got an enemy who cant control 2 of his creatures + the other 5 of them are wiped by the crossbowman. We did test this very thoroughly before doing the change.
Haven is still very strong faction

garpun44 Can I use the wheel of skill and the division into the classes of your mod if they cut and paste into EWA?
Yes you can. The wheel is in the UI directory.
NargottI was primarily interested in EXE changes to which my hands do not reach. Is it possible to build EXE optional only on selected aspects?
For example, in the current assembly, which I use for my mod WGE, claimed 3 things:
1) increasing the number of classes of up to 24 characters (that, for what I use it)
2) an increased number of IDs for neutral creatures (neutral)
3) relieving the bleeding after level 25 (quite unnecessary, I would like to remove)
Some of the things are modular and you can add them to your mod exe file.
1. This is not done in the exe file. It is lua code it can be found in MMH55-Index\scripts\H55-Core.lua
Hero definitions start between lines 1190 and 1217. I suspect there are a few preparations for it but I dont know where they happen. Look around.
2. isnt this NCF? It seems Psatkha knows how to do it on any exe file of heroes V. Or did you mean something else?
3. There was some issue with the translation here but I suspect you meant "How to remove excessive experience threshold after level 25? "
Here is
one of the best hex editing tools made for heroes V.
It allows you to add and remove stuff from the exe file modularly.
Just download the executable (jar file) and all the YML files and put them in one folder. Here is a screenshot on how it works.

you can do the following things with it :
a) atb.yml - This edits the following atb in-game settings
- ATB value for mass spells (0.50)
- Bonus ATB value for each sorcery skill level (0.10)
- ATB value for wait action (0.50)
- Max random start ATB value (0.25)
b) enlightenment.yml - In tote enlightenment skill gives 1 primary stat for every 4/3/2 levels depending on mastery level. Patched exe now makes it like this 5/4/3. This make the skill equal to other ones. It was too powerful before.
c) healingTent.yml - Increases healing amount from the healing tent from (10,20,50,100) to (10,40,75,200) depending on mastery
d) healingTentPerLevel.yml - Depending on mastery each hero level will add 0, 4, 8 or 10 hp to healing amount of the healing tent.
e)healingTentSpeciality.yml - Balsamers' speciality will increase healing amount by 2 percent per level instead of 5 hp per level.
f) levels.yml - This is what you need. It makes levels above 25 easier to get.
g) ncf.yml - This adds NCF to any exe file (but not compatible with Quantomas exe).
h) pest.yml - this adds Permanent Endless Simulatious turns. This means that if you play LAN and activate simulatneous turns they will continue forever (it wont stop when you find the other player).
e) movement.yml - This one fixes movement penalties for roads and homelands. Check description.
f) initiativeMiniArtifact.yml - by editing the YML you can change the bonus per knowledge of the mini artifacts for initiative, magic resistance, moral and luck. Attack, Defense and shatter defense are not modifiable. Deflaktor said it is not possible.
NargottI would really like to see, in addition to paragraphs 1 and 2, one or a few things have been implemented:
1) shifting after casting mass perks of light and darkness to make a 0 instead of 0.5 on a scale of ATB (does not matter whether the act with sorcery)
2) whether it is possible to do something with the attack animation more classes? Now they all had to be translated into casting animation, instead of using the default attack for their model
3) I heard that new classes are not working properly in the determination of the native landscape (default - grass), whether it is possible to correct it, or else, in principle, to remove the penalties on the movement of a foreign country?
4) is it possible to change the formula of random response abilities to a straight line, such as a chance ratio = HP / 4, or the ratio of the damage attackers to target HP.
5) is it possible to change the magic formula for the calculation of unit-casters from logarithms to linear, in the direct proportion of the number of weekly increments?
1. Can be done. Check a) yml file above.
2. I am not aware. You better ask on
homm55 official thread3. e) yml file fixes that. Also magnomagus did some LUA scripting to fix the native thing. You can ask him where to find them or just search in the scipts.
4. This is hard-codded. We have not found a way to do it but magno edited the defaultstats.xdb file in such way that all creature abilities chances are ok.
The only creature ability that is OP is the blackbear rider but we reduced it stats to compensate.
5. This is also hard-codded. We have not found any solution. The good thing is that the current core of the game actually makes them more powerful than before. I will explain this later.
NargottRegarding berserk, I note that this is an extremely powerful spell in the matchup warrior versus warrior (a huge effect, regardless of spellpower). But nerf it on the skillful are not necessarily, you can, for example, a set of modifier damage berserk at 50% (instead of a bonus - penalty).
The spell is extremely powerful to the point it makes all other spells in the school useless because their effectiveness is lesser.
We already tried reducing damage but it doesnt matter even if the berserk monster deals 0 damage because of the following things:
- the hit creature retaliates with 100% damage. (you can also hit hydra which will retaliate against all adjusted allies as well). usually the damage dealt is
(base+berserk_bonus)*damage_of_berserker + damage_of_retaliater = which is huge against any might or magic hero.
- the spell imobilizes 1 unit and takes the retaliation out of another.
Have in mind that we consider this spell strong with attack and defense points value equal to 3.33%.
Tribes of the East default value is 5% which makes berserk even stronger.
Follow up from your 5)th question. This 3.33% nerf actually makes the units caster stronger. Also the change of spell curses/bless duration actually made the units that cast those spells really viable support units.
In h55 there is no uber powerful school or strategy.
Probably the only strong spell we cannot fix is "Phantom Forces" spell used by might heroes with huge armies (month 5+). This is something we ban in PvP games.