MMH5.5 - Ãåðîè Ìå÷à è Ìàãèè 5.5 - Ñòðàíèöà 3 - Ôîðóì HeroesWorld-à

Áûñòðàÿ íàâèãàöèÿ ïî îñíîâíûì ðàçäåëàì ôîðóìà:
Heroes 6
Heroes 5
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Heroes 1

Ñòðàíèöà 3 èç 106
Îïöèè òåìû
Ñòàðûé 26.02.2016, 18:42
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 26.02.2016
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 1
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 26.02.2016
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 1
Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ
Re: [ÌÎÄÈÔÈÊÀÖÈß] Ãåðîè Ìå÷à è Ìàãèè 5.5

Есть отдельный мод на ячейки? WarGame Edition ещё не перевели?
Mr_Exime âíå ôîðóìà
Îòâåòèòü ñ öèòèðîâàíèåì
Ñòàðûé 06.03.2016, 04:06
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 27.07.2014
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 5
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 27.07.2014
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 5
Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ
Re: [ÌÎÄÈÔÈÊÀÖÈß] Ãåðîè Ìå÷à è Ìàãèè 5.5

Точно! Давно ищу что-нибудь на расширение количества изучаемых навыков. Можно ли это как-то отсюда вычленить или уже есть отдельные моды?
ÑóïåðÌàãåñò âíå ôîðóìà
Îòâåòèòü ñ öèòèðîâàíèåì
Ñòàðûé 27.03.2016, 13:37
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 24.10.2015
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 714
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 24.10.2015
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 714
Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ
Re: [ÌÎÄÈÔÈÊÀÖÈß] Ãåðîè Ìå÷à è Ìàãèè 5.5

Some news!

Czech localization was just released for the mod!

New Skillwheel dedicated to HoMM5.5 is currently in development.

Here are a few pictures:

dredknight âíå ôîðóìà
Îòâåòèòü ñ öèòèðîâàíèåì
Ñòàðûé 24.05.2016, 21:50
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 24.10.2015
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 714
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 24.10.2015
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 714
Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ
Re: [ÌÎÄÈÔÈÊÀÖÈß] Ãåðîè Ìå÷à è Ìàãèè 5.5

RC7 just got released today!

Download it here!

Critical Fixes

- Fixed issue AI not hiring enough heroes on maps with more than 4 AI players or more than 12 towns.
- Fixed issue AI sometimes receiving way too much resources for Battle Sites (made casual game mode too difficult)
- Fixed windmills and artifacts sometimes not paying out resources. (you will no longer see resources fly off the hero, this was part of the cause of the problem.)
- Fixed rare instances of script engine crashes.
- Fixed starting bonus gold not working for Impossible difficulty.
- Fixed starting skills of Ivor and Tieru.
- Added warning about 'restart mission' penalty to casual game mode tooltip.
- Fixed experience gain values now based on calculations instead of estimations. hero leveling speed was too fast on heroic and impossible, leveling speed is now exactly the same on all difficulty levels.
- Tip: Experience adjustment can be set to be ignored in H55_Settings file, experience gain for governors can also be adjusted in H55_Settings file.

Movement Fixes

- Fixed balance issues with hero movement points, all heroes have 2750 instead of 2500 movepoints, Haven stable gives +250 and +500 on first visit (instead of +600). Terrain penalty for Snow and Sand is reduced to 25%.
Explanation: because of hardcoded issue with new classes all heroes in H5.5 get movement penalties the same way regardless of whether the terrain is native, this causes heroes to move less generally which means the amount of movement points needs to be increased and the penalties needed to be equalized, the Haven Stable needed to be nerfed otherwise their already existing movement advantage would go off the chart.
- Fixed movement balance issue with RMG maps, Lava,Dirt,Sand and Snow all have better quality secondary roads, Grass has lower quality secondary roads. This equalizes movement further since grass doesn't have the 25% penalty.
- Fixed Tracker special, now really does what description says.
- Pathfinding reduces penalty by -75% (the skill was too weak, on avg gain was equal to ~5% total movement (taking in account frequent use of roads))
- Fixed Sandals of prophet and pillager skill, the combat cost is not substracted from the bonus.
- Fountain of Youth and Rally flag give +100 movement points.
- Heroes that start with a movement special do not start with logistics anymore (except sorgal), this leaves open the option to rely on the special alone+the pathfinder perk is not very good for those heroes.


- Integrated Permanent Endless Simultaneous Turns in the mod (Deflaktor), the MMH55 exe file don't need to be patched, they can be unpatched however.
- Improved LAN & Hotseat difficulty tooltips.


- Luck is nerfed slightly more, the actual effects of the luck skill are better explained in the manual.
- Soldiers Luck gives Academy heroes +1 Luck (otherwise has no effect)
- Dark Renewal also gives a bonus to mana regeneration (was too weak and situational).
- Corrupted Soil damage increased to 10* hero level.
- Banish damage increased to 50* hero level.
- Offensive and Defensive formation were too weak for non-fortress heroes and give +1 extra above level 20.
- Pariah adds another +5 SP (all spells) and -1 Luck at level 30 (Late game scaling)
- Twilight adds another +3 SP (all spells) at level 30 (Late game scaling)
- Twilight doesn't require master of decay anymore.
- Magic Mirror triggers 10% + 1% per level.
- Consume Corpse gain 1 mana for 40HP (was 30HP).
- Combat skill and pendant of mastery do no longer affect training costs, instead the costs are reduced to x2.2 (from x3) by default.
- Fixed Knowledge bonus from Know your enemy (was actually applied to Arcane brilliance)
- Fixed searing fires wrongly branched.
- Fixed Imbue ballista requiring ballista skill.
- Fixed armorer and forge master showing the wrong icon in 'active effects'.
- Fixed refresh rune txt.

- Spell twister triggers 30% + 1% per level.
- Soulhunter gives 3 ghosts per level.
- Isabel reduces training cost by 2% for every 3 levels instead of 1% for every 3 levels. (desc was wrong since TOE)
- Rune Artist does not start with +20% bonus.

- Deep freeze increases physical damage to recipient by 2% per SP instead of 3%.
- Frenzy lowers dmg of recipient by 40% but increases it by 2% per SP. 20SP+ will be needed to boost the damage.


- Arch demons can teleport other from 1 tile further away (but their movement is not increased)
- Imps steal and siphon 25% less mana.
- Sprites +2 mana (didn't match new spell costs)
- Gremlin Saboteurs have +1HP, -1A -1I (power rating remains the same, but artifacts don't overpower them later)
- Archmage exchanges energy channel for mana feed until hardcoded balance issue with energy channel can be resolved.
- Fixed descriptions of precise shot, lightning breath


- Revived Lion Spirit artifact set, now gives +4 Attack.
- Revived Vestment of Enlightment artifact set, has new unique effect, gives an amount of experience every day to the wearer (equal to his level*100)
- Fixed info screen bug for Banner of the Legion artifact.
- Fixed Ring of War Machine affinity not improving triple catapult bonus.
- Renamed Pendant of Mastery to Pendant of Magic Mastery and simplified the effect to a spellpower scaling solution (I wanted to get rid of ridiculous long description and incoherent mess of effects).
- Pendant of Conflux artifact also summons elementals (works same as shatter skill, now the artifact is not only useful when in combat with human player).
- crown of leadership also boosts artifact recruitment from recruitment perk.
- Quest for Dwarven relics is now completed at Trading post instead of Hillfort (circumvent hardcoded issue with Hillfort ID)
- Fixed Garments of the saint set bonus text, the bonus is given per item.
- Fixed desc of book of power, crown of leadership, infernal loom
- A message flies of the hero to confirm a set artifact bonus is applied. (there will never be a misunderstanding about this again, because it is technically impossible the message is shown without the bonus being applied!)


- Added possibility to remove artifacts from battle sites (means they will not spawn), to do this add the following lines in the script editor of a map (example for removing the tomes):

H55_RemoveTheseArtifactsFromBanks = {

Make sure not to make a syntax error, otherwise the entire map will be bugged, if artifact IDs are used only available in H55, the map will become incompatible with TOE!

Some links:

MODDB page
Heroes community page
Facebook fan page
Heroes 5.5 Tavern - where people find PvP players
dredknight âíå ôîðóìà
Îòâåòèòü ñ öèòèðîâàíèåì
Ñòàðûé 30.05.2016, 00:13
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 29.05.2016
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 2
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 29.05.2016
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 2
Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ
Re: [ÌÎÄÈÔÈÊÀÖÈß] Ãåðîè Ìå÷à è Ìàãèè 5.5

СуперМагестТочно! Давно ищу что-нибудь на расширение количества изучаемых навыков. Можно ли это как-то отсюда вычленить или уже есть отдельные моды?

Друг! Нашел что-нибудь? )
FreedomArchdevil âíå ôîðóìà
Îòâåòèòü ñ öèòèðîâàíèåì
Ñòàðûé 30.05.2016, 00:40
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 24.10.2015
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 714
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 24.10.2015
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 714
Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ
Re: [ÌÎÄÈÔÈÊÀÖÈß] Ãåðîè Ìå÷à è Ìàãèè 5.5

FreedomArchdevilДруг! Нашел что-нибудь? )

Extended skills in this mod are provided by using
Quantomas exe file. The skills arrangement is just normal moding.

By the way we just got another fast release due to some new discoveries.

RC7a is here and it mostly relates to Inferno.

Inferno Gating is changed significantly in this version. The gameplay is much more fun, much faster paced, better balanced and allows more tactical planning.

-Reinforcements from gating act almost immediately after they arrive! (their ATB is set to 0.75)
-Time between the call and the first act is 1.25 turns instead of 2 turns!
-To balance this urgash call is removed from game and replaced with swarming gate.
-Amounts are reduced to 15%/20%/25% and 5% for Gate master.
-Delay for caller is 75% of a turn, 50% with Swift gating.
-Gatekeeper gives 0.33% per level.
-banish changed back to 40*level dmg (since it is primarily an inferno counter it needs to be adjusted to the gate %)

-Combat skill retaliation dmg is improved to 10%/17.5%/25% (should be better than offense since first strike is better than retaliate)
-Fixed desc of Combat skill mastery levels containing removed features.
-Cold Death also gives +2 SP at level 20.
-Secrets of Destruction gives +2 K instead of +2 SP at level 20. (to make it more different from cold death)
-clarified pariah desc.
-Added Quest to Amulet of Necromancy: can be offered for stack of Death Knights.
-Added Quest to Ring of Unrepentant: can be offered for stack of mummies.
-Ring of Elementals also boosts summoning in towns by 20%
-Vestment of enlightenment changed formula to (exp=amount of days past*10). (was not supposed to benefit main hero very much)
-Corrected descriptions of crown of leadership, pendant of mastery and teleport other.
-Pit Lords cast meteor shower at expert level.
-Horned demons +1 ini, -2D,-1A.
-Horned demons Explosion dmg multiplier increased from 11 to 40.
-Vermins have +1D,+1HP,-1 ini (offer better tactical variation between imp upgrades)
-Familiars speed reduced to 6 (7 was overpowered) +1A -1D.
-Demons +1 ini (adjusted to upgrades)
-Imps +1Hp,-1 ini (adjusted to upgrades)
-Nightmares +1 min dmg.

Also a new version (0.6) of the desktop skillwheel was released.
Now it fully supports all hero classes in HoMM5.5 and has all texts updated for the RC7a version.
It also features primary and secondary skills hero builder.

dredknight âíå ôîðóìà
Îòâåòèòü ñ öèòèðîâàíèåì
Ñòàðûé 19.06.2016, 15:02
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 13.06.2016
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 3
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 13.06.2016
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 3
Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ
Re: MMH5.5 - Ãåðîè Ìå÷à è Ìàãèè 5.5

У меня проблема с скриптами в данном моде, нет новых скилов, не конвертируются замки итд. я уже и старые карты брал и новые, пробовал новый RMG из MMH55_Utility - результата нет.

Подскажите что может быть не так, а то я уже почти смирился в недомод играть.

Таки разобрался, единственное что помогает это Reanimation Patcher
4111517 âíå ôîðóìà
Îòâåòèòü ñ öèòèðîâàíèåì
Ñòàðûé 22.06.2016, 00:13
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 24.10.2015
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 714
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 24.10.2015
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 714
Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ
Re: MMH5.5 - Ãåðîè Ìå÷à è Ìàãèè 5.5

The mod requires map scripts to be activated in order to work.

Check this article which explains how to do it.
dredknight âíå ôîðóìà
Îòâåòèòü ñ öèòèðîâàíèåì
Ñòàðûé 24.06.2016, 00:34
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 24.10.2015
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 714
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 24.10.2015
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 714
Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ
Re: MMH5.5 - Ãåðîè Ìå÷à è Ìàãèè 5.5

RC8 version released!

Quite a few new things!

1. We have a brand new in-game skillwheel!

2. Deflaktor's permanent simultaneous turns (PEST) is integrated! Now you can play simultaneous turns the whole game.

3. Artificier mini artifiacts are balanced!
- Balanced initiative mini-artifacts for academy, 0.75 per Knowledge
- Balanced magic protection mini-artifact, max 55% magic proof.
- Balanced luck & morale artifacts, knowledge/12

4. Skill system changed
- All additional dependencies are now removed. The system is now perfectly symmetrical.
- Runelore - Skill was way too strong compared to any other skills. Major overhaul of the system was done.

All changes can be found here ->

Download here ->

Czech translation for RC8 is here ->
dredknight âíå ôîðóìà
Îòâåòèòü ñ öèòèðîâàíèåì
Ñòàðûé 24.06.2016, 01:01
Àâàòàð äëÿ Nargott
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 09.05.2009
Àäðåñ: Ñìîëåíñê
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 1583
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 09.05.2009
Àäðåñ: Ñìîëåíñê
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 1583
Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ
Re: MMH5.5 - Ãåðîè Ìå÷à è Ìàãèè 5.5

Хорошая работа, колесо теперь выглядит красиво.
Ðàçðàáîò÷èê Heroes 5.5 WarGame Edition.
Ñàéò ïðîåêòà - ïîêà íåàêòèâåí
Àâòîð Àñèììåòðè÷íûõ øàõìàò
Ðàçðàáîò÷èê Heroes 5.5 WarGame Edition.
Ñàéò ïðîåêòà - ïîêà íåàêòèâåí
Àâòîð Àñèììåòðè÷íûõ øàõìàò
Nargott âíå ôîðóìà
Îòâåòèòü ñ öèòèðîâàíèåì
Ñòàðûé 24.06.2016, 15:06
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 02.09.2013
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 31
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 02.09.2013
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 31
Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ
Re: MMH5.5 - Ãåðîè Ìå÷à è Ìàãèè 5.5

Кампания в моде неиграбельна. Ладно там герои инода не двигаются, потому как скрипты не срабатывают. Но иногда герои противника убивают нужных существ на карте, без которых миссию не пройти! Например в первой миссии второй капании ТоЕ, где нужно убить два стака драконов. Первый вы убьёте, а вот второй убьёт герой соперника и всё. Дальше миссия не проходится.
Более того, некоторые герои лишились своих уникальных способностей. Арантир, к примеру, больше не может призвать аватара смерти. Подозреваю, что другие герои тоже лишились своих уникальных способностей.
Shadowclaw âíå ôîðóìà
Îòâåòèòü ñ öèòèðîâàíèåì
Ñòàðûé 25.06.2016, 18:44
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 24.10.2015
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 714
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 24.10.2015
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 714
Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ
Re: MMH5.5 - Ãåðîè Ìå÷à è Ìàãèè 5.5

NargottХорошая работа, колесо теперь выглядит красиво.

Thank you

ShadowclawКампания в моде неиграбельна. Ладно там герои инода не двигаются, потому как скрипты не срабатывают. Но иногда герои противника убивают нужных существ на карте, без которых миссию не пройти! Например в первой миссии второй капании ТоЕ, где нужно убить два стака драконов. Первый вы убьёте, а вот второй убьёт герой соперника и всё. Дальше миссия не проходится.

Thank you for the feedback! I will pass it to the developers! The mod was never meant for campaign mode but we try to fix the glitches when reported.

There is one mission where the player should go around the AI heroes without being detected. The AI heroes will never move due to issues between campaign scripts and our framework so just go pass the map and complete the mission.

ShadowclawБолее того, некоторые герои лишились своих уникальных способностей. Арантир, к примеру, больше не может призвать аватара смерти. Подозреваю, что другие герои тоже лишились своих уникальных способностей.

Arantir specialization "Avatar of Death" is the only specialization removed.
The mod idea is to keep the balance while at the same time increase variety!
Currently there is no "strongest hero" or "best choice" hero. Each one excell at different thing. Arantir specialization just did not pass the gap. All other specializations are there though.

Добавлено через 1 час 14 минут
Shadowclaw, to avoid issues with campaigns use the Utility.exe file to launch the game.

this exe file has the following differences:
- Quantomas AI is not available (which is the primary culprit for issues )
- Hero can have maximum of 6 skills
- bug where griffins special attack is executed right away is present.

All campaigns should be playable with it.
dredknight âíå ôîðóìà
Îòâåòèòü ñ öèòèðîâàíèåì
Ñòàðûé 03.07.2016, 15:26
Àâàòàð äëÿ NikitaM
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 21.01.2015
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 93
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 21.01.2015
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 93
Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ
Re: MMH5.5 - Ãåðîè Ìå÷à è Ìàãèè 5.5

Народ а может кто-нибудь русифицировать этот мод?
NikitaM âíå ôîðóìà
Îòâåòèòü ñ öèòèðîâàíèåì
Ñòàðûé 03.07.2016, 16:57
Àâàòàð äëÿ psatkha
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 15.03.2007
Àäðåñ: Áàòàëïàøèíñê
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 2828
Îòïðàâèòü ñîîáùåíèå äëÿ  psatkha ñ ïîìîùüþ ICQ Psatkha
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 15.03.2007
Àäðåñ: Áàòàëïàøèíñê
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 2828
Îòïðàâèòü ñîîáùåíèå äëÿ  psatkha ñ ïîìîùüþ ICQ Psatkha
Re: MMH5.5 - Ãåðîè Ìå÷à è Ìàãèè 5.5

ShadowclawКампания в моде неиграбельна. Ладно там герои инода не двигаются, потому как скрипты не срабатывают. Но иногда герои противника убивают нужных существ на карте, без которых миссию не пройти! Например в первой миссии второй капании ТоЕ, где нужно убить два стака драконов. Первый вы убьёте, а вот второй убьёт герой соперника и всё. Дальше миссия не проходится.
Более того, некоторые герои лишились своих уникальных способностей. Арантир, к примеру, больше не может призвать аватара смерти. Подозреваю, что другие герои тоже лишились своих уникальных способностей.

Да, в этом плане всё верно подмечено, НО это уже другая игра и естественно прохождение оригинальных компаний становится невозможным!
Ñ óâàæåíèåì, Psatkha (Ïñàòõà)


Íåóäà÷íîå ïëàíèðîâàíèå âåä¸ò ê íåóäà÷å ...

NCF - ìîä, äîáàâëÿþùèé äîïîëíèòåëüíûõ ñóùåñòâ â HeroesV 3.1
Ñ óâàæåíèåì, Psatkha (Ïñàòõà)


Íåóäà÷íîå ïëàíèðîâàíèå âåä¸ò ê íåóäà÷å ...

NCF - ìîä, äîáàâëÿþùèé äîïîëíèòåëüíûõ ñóùåñòâ â HeroesV 3.1
psatkha âíå ôîðóìà
Îòâåòèòü ñ öèòèðîâàíèåì
Ñòàðûé 16.07.2016, 18:59
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 24.10.2015
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 714
Ðåãèñòðàöèÿ: 24.10.2015
Ñîîáùåíèÿ: 714
Ïî óìîë÷àíèþ
Re: MMH5.5 - Ãåðîè Ìå÷à è Ìàãèè 5.5

RC8b released!!!

Highlights of this version:
- Stronghold now have 3 classes (Chieftain, Shaman, Witch) just as other factions! The new classes (Witch and Shaman) utilize magic but cannot use Bloodrage.
- Combat skill is revised as well as some shatter ultimate perks for Stronghold
- Neutral creature specializations growth boosted (Mumies, Manticores, wolves).
- Bug fixes: To name a few - Stronghold mana replenish bug, contracts failing when not supposed to

Full change list can be found here ->
Download here ->
Installation and upgrade guide here ->
dredknight âíå ôîðóìà
Îòâåòèòü ñ öèòèðîâàíèåì
Ñòðàíèöà 3 èç 106

Îïöèè òåìû

×àñîâîé ïîÿñ GMT +4, âðåìÿ: 10:19.

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